Sunday, June 30, 2013

Overcoming My Fears & Deciding to Go Back to College

When I graduated high school, I knew I wanted to get a degree in something medical-related. First, I earned a certificate in Emergency Medical Technology. Then I obtained a certificate in Medical Assisting. Later, I became a certified Veterinary Technician. At this point I felt like I was collecting certificates! While I had worked very hard to achieve each of them, I still felt a little disappointed I didn't have an actual college degree.

For ten years I worked as a veterinary technician and receptionist. I gained a lot of knowledge and experience during this time. I perfected my customer service and communication skills, educated myself on medical topics and business procedures, helped with payroll, trained new employees, and found creative ways to promote services. However, I always felt that I wanted to go back into the human side of medicine, but I wasn't sure what career I wanted to do the rest of my life -- and how to pay for school?!

Suddenly, a series of events would give me the push I needed. First, the clinic I was at changed owners. Next, I badly injured my back and I realized that I physically would not be able to work as a Veterinary Technician any more. I also had to take into consideration my finances and realized that I would have to get a degree to earn a better salary to take care of my needs. I knew what I needed to do, but I still had to build my confidence!

I started taking one class and then two. I felt successful, but also discouraged. A degree seemed so far away! Then someone gave me some wonderful perspective. They said, "These next few years are going to pass whether you go to school or not. So why not accomplish something during the time?" There was truth in that. In fact, I had often looked back and thought I should have continued with school earlier. I could have earned two degrees by now! But, I try not to look back because everything is for a reason and I feel like the last ten years I have been studying in the "School of Life". The skills I have learned and the things I have been through personally have been incredibly valuable. 

After looking into a couple different programs, I chose my current major. Returning to school has been the best decision! I am successfully taking classes full-time and will graduate with my bachelor's degree soon. Then I plan on earning a master's degree. Not long ago I never would have imagined I would be able to get my degree -- let alone go to graduate school! It was a huge leap of faith to go to back to school, to believe in myself, and to trust that it would all work out. It isn't a race. I celebrate my accomplishments -- big and small. I'm so excited for my future and I wish you all the best, too!

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