Monday, June 10, 2013

Staying Organized: Studying

As a college student, I don't think I would have been successful without some sort of calendar system or check-list. (I have two examples pictured below.) For me, the weekly check-list works best. I include what I need to work on in each class, each week. I can even add a due date next to the items.

Whether you're taking one class or four, it really helps to write down assignments, the reading schedule, due dates, etc. Sometimes students think they can get by without writing these things down, but you will find you are less stressed and better prepared if you do. As students, we ingest a lot of information into our brains everyday. There's no reason we need to clog up our brain with due dates when we can just write it down and leave more room for knowledge. Try it!

This weekly schedule (pictured below) is my favorite. Although, I typically write it out with a pen and some notebook paper, so it doesn't usually look this pretty.

 Another option... monthly calendar with due dates: 
Now, it's your turn! Do you have a smart tip that has helped you? Send it to me in the comments below!

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