Saturday, June 28, 2014

Powerpoint Perfection!

At some point in your college experience you will likely be expected to create a PowerPoint presentation.  I'm sure you've ALL sat through a boring presentation before... but YOURS doesn't have to be!!! 

Flickr: Maria Johnson


There are some amazing people who are changing the way we do PowerPoints. If you follow their tips, your audience will stay awake, learn something, and you might even have a little fun!

Here's some advice from "Don't Be a Powerpoint Felon" by Nick Smith:
  • ONE idea per slide
  • Eliminate unnecessary text
  • Use BIG images
Remember, vision is the strongest sense! So, you're going to use a lot more slides and a lot of pictures, which will help your audience pay attention.

Also check out "Your Speech is Toxic" by Chiara Ojeda. Notice her use of pictures and how she communicates her message.
  • Understand your audience
  • One picture with one clear idea
  • Prepare and practice
  • Empathize with your audience
  • Grow your skills
  • Remember to show attribution (you must give credit to who the picture belongs to -- for example, see photo above)